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Check-in and Breakfast: 8:45-9:15


Morning session #1: (9:15-10:15)
- Reproductive Justice 101

Sessions #2: (10:15-11:45)
- Digging In: Deconstructing Medicalization and Informed Consent (Workshop/Lecture)
- Global Perspectives in Reproductive Justice Panel
- Comprehensive Sex Education Workshop
- Bringing the Margins to the Center Workshop

Lunch: (12:00-1:00)

Sessions #3: (1:15-2:45)
- Parenting Beyond Gender Panel
- The Environment and Reproductive Health Panel
- Reclaiming Pleasure and Health: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly about Queer Sex
- The Costs of Criminalized Bodies: Reproductive Justice and the Prison Industrial Complex

Sessions #4: (3:00-4:30)
- Midwifery: A Sustainable Model for Lifelong Reproductive Justice Panel
- Owning Sexy Panel
- Labor Liberation Workshop
- Sex Work: How to Promote Human Rights for All People Involved in Sex Trades Panel

Keynote reception: (4:30-5:00)

Keynote: (5:00-6:00)
"Murmurations of Justice - Indigenous Movements in Reproductive Health Praxis and Policymaking"

by Katsi Cook; 

Featuring introduction and slam poetry by LadySpeech Sankofa

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